Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Underwear Issues Part Duex

Seriously, I feel like I have been fixated on underwear the past day or two. If it weren't for the fact that I can't seem to put them on correctly, I still would be thinking about them.

The EX-Bf had a Victoria Secret's card. One of the benefits of being a proud member of a VS card besides browsing rights through the store, is an occasional post card in the mail for a free pair of underwear. Of course you have to drive to the store to pick them up and they package them in the cute pink VS bag with tissue paper and a spray of smelly stuff. Yes, all for your free pair of underwear. The ex used to think it was pretty cool and took care and interest in picking out his free pair and proudly "surprising" me with my gift (allbeit free gift) but it was the thought that counts.

I hate underwear shopping. Hate it. And not too long ago I actually missed not getting the free underwear from the ex. I recall many months ago, he said that he still went and got them, "just in case". Not in case we got together, but in case he wanted to give them to a new girlfriend. Which I found particularly odd. How long do you date someone before you give them underwear? And underwear that's been sitting in a bag collecting dust for say, potentially 18 months? (Yeah, that's what I thought too!)

The last underwear I got was actually purchased by a girlfriend of mine, not like that. I have to admit it was the first underwear a female has purchased me since my mother or grandmother when I was younger, much younger. But seeing that I had forgotten to pack an extra pair of underwear when canoeing with JN a few weeks back and was "accidentally" tossed overboard when the canoe was being brought to shore, I didn't have much options. And me walking barefoot with only a bathing suit and towel through the store to buy my own underwear wasn't really an option either.

Now I'm finding myself needing new underwear. I know that the ex-bf could use the cash, so I asked him how many pairs of underwear he has stocked up and if he wanted to sell them to me. Of course I'm hoping to get a great deal. Afterall I suggested he could list them on eBay or Craigslist.

Was that wrong of me to offer my financial assistance for underwear to avoid shopping myself?

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