Thursday, August 20, 2009

Baster & Rock

I've obviously been lacking in the blogging area. I've decided to try the whole dating thing again - and while I may have some great stories to share, I think I will keep them off here, unless...

Not to toot my own horn, I'm really not one of those arrogant, cocky, conceited people that think that I'm better than the rest, really I am not, however, I do believe that I'm a good dater. The reason I say this is because I care. I truly do care about other people. I believe in eye contact and engagement and sharing laughs and communicating. I figure if I've taken time out of my schedule and they have to, lets make the best of it and enjoy. Seldom do I have a date where I don't have fun and laugh, a lot.

So in regard to dating, I've received insight from several people. One is, you don't have to respond to every email contact you receive. I struggle with this, I think it's rude to not acknowledge if someone else took the time. Two, if you spend upwards to six hours on a date with someone, that means you are interested in them. Personally, I think that means that you either a) are having a good time, b) are making the best of it, c) have nothing else to do or d) refuse to return home to laundry, housework and an empty house. Having said that, me spending six hours on a date does not mean that I want to date the guy forever and plan my wedding on date two!

Having said all that, I really do enjoy meeting people and I may or may not tend to say some pretty upfront or off the wall comments. I would be the first to admit that I've been called a smart ass during first communications and dates. I also am quite sarcastic and definitely quick witted. Sometimes on dates, it's like hanging out with good old friends and maybe that means I cross the lines of making the date feel like I'm ready to procreate. I'm just sayin...

Last night I had one such said date. We had a great time and laughed a lot and I fear that I could easily break this guys heart, but maybe I'm giving myself more credit than I'm worth. Although him talking about vacations with me, getaway weekends, the first and fourth meals he will cook for me, me being his best date ever or at least in a very long time, may be indicators that he really was that interested. But here's a couple of my classic dating moments from last night:

After a few hours of walking the pier and talking, we decided to grab something to eat. During the dinner conversation he asked me if I was on any medication (his last significant other he later learned was an alcoholic and suffered from bi-polar and schizophrenia - so not so off the wall to inquire on a first date) which I replied no. He than asked about sleeping aids or sudafed. At which point I said, well actually, "Yes, I take birth control, although I don't have any reason to." Mind you, this was not an open invite by any means!

He then said, "Oh for your monthly friend?" I was instantly surprised to think that he would assume that I'm into friends with benefits and I said, "No, I'm not into friends with benefits!"

Of course having said this I realized he was talking about the "FRIEND", which clearly in my book my PERIOD (menstruation for the politically correct) is NOT MY FRIEND!

He then said, "Well what made you think that I was referencing that your friend was male?" Here's where I may or may not engage in inappropriate first date conversation but my quick tongue and wit just don't stay quiet! I said, "Well, if my friend were female I wouldn't need birth control, would I? Unless of course my friend arrives with a fully loaded turkey baster when she visits!"

Did I mention that I think I'm a good first dater?

While there were many other oddities and funny things about the date, the next would be that I would never admit that I've been known to stop traffic. Sure, the occasional stares, glances, honks of the horn, screaming of MILF out the window, but whatever boys will be boys. Arriving at a bar to play pool, I parked my car and got out. He then pulled his car into a spot in front of where I was standing and proceeded to drive, yes drive his car up on top of a boulder strategically placed at the end of the spot in front of the establishment door! He said that was a first! I had to laugh...not sure what it is with guys and depth perception, but the last three guys that have driven my car have all managed to park it over cement parking blocks as well!

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