Monday, August 3, 2009


Over the weekend, a discussion of depleted 401k accounts were discussed. Comparison of plummeting. Who lost more. Who was hit the hardest. A difference of generations and the ever lasting effects of the economy.

While I lost a lot in my 401k, being a mere 34.5+, I hardly shudder at the lower balances in my account. At first I did. A LOT. But then reality hit, in the scheme of things (maybe my perspective will change when I'm ready to retire), and the fact that I still have a job and I still have a 401k. I began my 401k on day one of my employment, almost 12 years ago today. As a single parent, I contributed what I could and took full advantage of the employer contribution and match. In my mind, the money was never truly mine. Had I put it into a savings account, it wouldn't have grown as quickly, nor lost as quickly. Like the housing market, it rose and it fell. Maybe it plateaued into reality.

I have to admit, that in looking at my 401k balance today and over the past few weeks, I'm happy to see an increase and not a decrease; however, I am not trustworthy enough to increase my contributions again to the past amounts which I felt I was throwing out the window as of late. But it is nice to see an increase of any kind, even if it will only get me a big mac on a park bench when I'm ready to retire!

I suppose that I should be more concerned about my finances. Lately I've been interviewing a lot of people and questioning them about theirs. I've been shocked by how little people actually know about their monthly expenditures. While mine are pretty consistent month to month, if I can't recite the amounts, my checkbook will verify them. I'm notorious for a balanced check book although I also admit that with automatic bill payment, it's typically only once a month that I actually write things in my check book! Fortunately, I don't live paycheck to paycheck.

Today I was pleasantly surprised that for the past month, my child support payments increased. They should remain at this current rate for the next year until his two months of underpayments of arrearages are caught up. Due to him not completing the necessary documents to review child support, FOC closed the case. Go figure (I swear he has inside information - heaven forbid something actually worked out in my favor!) Another three years we will be eligible for a review. And that my friends should be the last one before my son turns 18! Don't worry, I really am counting the days until then (ok, seriously I AM NOT, not really).

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