Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Curtain Compulsion

I know that it has been a while since I blogged. No worries though, I haven't kicked my shower curtain compulsion. Really I have tried, just not successful to date. I did realize that to some surprise, I only own...eleven...shower curtains - well that was what was in the closet at least when I bothered to count!

Last weekend while out shopping and taking advantage of 15% off, I had to stroll through the shower curtain aisle. What is a shopping trip without? I found a shower curtain that was marked $9.99 that rang up for $17.99. When all was said and done and a minute at the customer service desk, my new shower curtain cost approximately $2.75. I still have yet to hang my super cool shower curtain I purchased earlier, but here's my dirt cheap one! I like the calming effect, even if it doesn't have any olive green in it...

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