Saturday, September 25, 2010

Week in Review

I've thought many times over the past week of things I would or could blog about.  I had no energy.  I had no drive.  I had no passion.  Two days last week, other than driving my son to school or picking him up from practice, I didn't get out of my pajamas and my efforts of moving found me going from the bed to the couch and a scuffle to the kitchen.  I can't remember the last time I was feeling so poorly and unmotivated.

A week ago Saturday I had to teach.  A full day class to prospective foster and adoptive families.  I had to cover three sessions, two which I had never taught before.  Needless to say, I might have been stressing and fretting about it, a little.

Friday I was fortunate enough to have access to the training location to set up the room.  I had initially thought I wouldn't be able to do so until Saturday morning!  I purchased breakfast snacks, ordered lunch, had pop, chips and cookies.  I had tried to review the material and the power points several times but I kept feeling inadequate.  Granted I could talk for days, weeks and months about my job...but could I cover what I had to cover and keep the trainees awake and teach them?  Would I be boring?  My own personal concerns and threats of inadequacies could have spiraled me out of control.  So after I set up the conference room, I met Debbie Downer's brother at my favorite brewery for some much needed cider.

Immediately I wondered if I had made a mistake.  I thought since we had decided to stop "seeing each other" we could try to have fun.  Sometimes, there are just people that aren't fun, regardless.  But I forged ahead and made the best of it, even found myself laughing at myself often.  In town, it was Mannequin Night where volunteers modeled as mannequin's in the store fronts.  The streets were packed and each window had a different theme.  We walked around town, getting separated often. I opted to call it a night, despite the urge to want to consume massive amounts of alcohol to forget about my teaching in the morning - responsibility, commonsense and the thought of trying to function with a hangover won out, as always.  He had hoped to come back to my house to watch a movie, but after four hours with him, I had had enough.

I got home and decided that I was exhausted.  I considered a bubble bath, but I was too tired to make one.  I started having thoughts about falling asleep in the tub and drowning and not being found until Monday evening by my son!  Clearly, my mind comes up with some bizarre thoughts!  So I found my way to bed.

The training went well.  Other than a mixup with where I was when bouncing between the book and the power point.  The pizzas I ordered were wrong, which went well with the overall theme of my training: "Do not have Expectations" and I forgot to put out the $12 of fresh baked cookies!  Overall, a success!

Saturday night I met with AG in Grand Rapids to walk around ArtPrize 2010, which didn't officially kick off until Wednesday.  We found ourselves in a coffee shop playing 80's trivia afterward, which I completely SUCK.  I did end the game on a good note with a right answer of Saved By The Bell! I then met my date back in town for a drink.

Sunday, I was officially kicked out of the Survivor Football pool. Before I was even able to put my plan in action.  So much for Dallas beating Da Bears.  Sigh  I spent much of Sunday hanging out with my date and trying to understand how I pulled something in my knee - likely the night before as I often find I have trouble walking and tripped on an uneven sidewalk!  Tried out a new little breakfast place in town and was pleasantly surprised.

Monday I found myself ill.  Drained.  Emotionally and physically exhausted.  I did manage to go to work on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  I was able to see JA for lunch for her birthday at a new place in town, which is always a pleasure!

I'm beginning to feel back like normal.  I'm out of my funk which had me questioning my job and all of the after hours calls and accommodations I seem to make.  I'm just fortunate to HAVE a job.  I'm still wanting a vacation very much, but for now, I'm just enjoying the weekend at my parent's laying low, seeing the almost full grown puppy and spending time with my mom for her birthday!

So off to a walk to the cider mill to enjoy cider and donuts.  Then, a great meal with the family.  Even later, Second City comedy show tonight for some much needed laughs and good company!  Sunday will be family time, football and the drive home which may include some more ArtPrize festivities and hopefully some photos to share! 

Have a great weekend!

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