Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Continuation Lies Via Email

Here's my thought for the day - verbatim from email correspondence with staff at Paradise Bay. Some people really do believe their lies, don't they?


My mom forwarded me your email response alleging my "very bad review on Trip Advisor". I wanted to email you personally to let you know that again, you are completely misinformed. I HAVE NOT, NOR WILL I EVER put anything on Trip Advisor. I gave my word to James that I wouldn't do so, and I didn't.

You see, if you read Trip Advisor, I don't have to put anything on there - it's already been said, time and time again.

I was born and raised in the United States of America. I have wonderful parents that taught me excellent morals and values. They taught me right from wrong. They taught me truth from lies.

I am not a liar, a cheat or a fraud.

Unfortunately, you and James were not so fortunate.

Damage to business comes from poor business. Had Paradise Bay Resort not false advertised online and with the auction that I purchased, things would be different. My searches on Paradise Bay while I was at the "resort" as well as since my return home have located many additional lies found on numerous websites.

Obviously in the future I shall learn to trust less and research more.

Because clearly from our stay, I've learned what is one person's hell is another's "Paradise".

As for asking questions - I think 15 emails was plenty of questions. I also feel that lies in email correspondence, staged pictures and lies to one's face is clearly unacceptable.

I wish you the best in your "Paradise".

Forwarded message....

Thanks for the cartoons.

I am not happy to hear that your daughter wrote a very bad review on Trip Advisor. That can be very damaging to business.

I really know things are not as they should be here, but myself and Vicky tried to make you feel comfortable.

Maybe your daughter should have asked alot of questions before booking. It sounds like a bigger hotel with more facilities would have suited you both better.

Hope that your next trip abroad will be a success.

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