Saturday, March 22, 2008

Friends & Single/Social Groups/Networking

I'm walking around the house and I'm thinking about my friends. Thinking about friends in general. How did we meet? How long ago did we meet? What constitutes a friend? Does a co-worker that may know more about you then a "friend" mean they are a friend? When does an acquaintance become a friend? And when does a friend become an acquaintance?

We all have different answers. There have been many times in my life that I have been disappointed by people that I thought were my friends. Realizations that maybe I am/was a better friend to them then they were to me. Wondering why I didn't see the "light" about certain friendships.

Many years ago I read a poem/or maybe it was one of those mass forwarding emails that we sometimes read and more often delete. It was about Friendship and how some friends come and go, some for a reason, some for a season...and while it hit home, throughout my life I have had a variety of different friendships and most regardless of the relationship today I still think about and I always think of warm thoughts and wonder how they are doing and wish them well. "Most" is defined as there are some people/friends I just don't remember, not that I wish ill-will on anyone. :)

Life happens...lovers, spouses, children, houses, jobs, moves, losses...

There are times when I wish I had more friends. My mom says that all my life I've only ever had one very close and good friend at a time. Maybe she is right, I like to think not. Maybe it's that awful number of three - always that middle person when you try to add two different friends together with you, or the fear that they will become better friends than you ever were. The reality is, I do have many friends - they live a variety of places and are at different places in their lives. There is a few very close friends that I can share anything with and then many others that we have a relationship based around certain things/commonality that we talk more about - kids, job, sports, family, etc. I think what it boils down to is wanting to have friends that are in the same boat - someone that you can call and hangout with at the slightest whim. And that's what's hard.

My mom has many very close friends, which I am completely envious. She says it's hard work to maintain, but they have a blast when they get together and they try to do so at least once a month. I would LOVE to have that too! Myspace has allowed me to get back in touch with people from high school - and for that I've been very grateful! Most still live on the other side of the state, but I would go back to hangout because friendship is so important in so many ways! We've been trying to get together every few months or so and I have a blast when I do! I love these people :) The commonality of where we came from, whether we were friends then or not doesn't matter. It's a bond...and one I want to keep/maintain for a lifetime!

I've been in the same town for 11 years now, omg it's been longer than that - since 1995! Well December, so almost 1996 ;) I'm not extremely social - I keep to myself a lot. Mainly my life revolves around my son - so there are the parents that I chat with at sporting events, school events, co-workers at my job, neighbors, etc. I've tried the singles events through different churches over the years (past decade), but I just don't seem to connect. The singles groups seem to be religious based - which isn't bad per se - but the one picnic event where they all pulled out their bibles to reference our non-religious discussion was too much for me. I don't drink coffee so hanging out at a coffee shop isn't even remotely appealing. I like to read, but finding the time is difficult and when I do - I would prefer to cuddle up under the covers in bed than to sit at a bookstore - hoping to engage other readers in a conversation.

So I decided that what I need is a singles group for every other weekend parents - not wanting to date! After my trip I should search for one and if not I should start one...LOL

Another thing, I'm a HUGE gamer. I LOVE games. My favorite are probably Cranium games. I think I seriously own 13 of them! I have a front closet with three shelves just with games. My problem, I can't find anyone to play them! ;) My parents had close friends/couples that they would get together with for a game night - although they would play Bridge or Pinochle. I loved that and tried that during my marriage to do so as well. Probably wasn't a good thing then, but it's tough being single to have a "game night" with friends when 4 or more is usually better. I've even thought of inviting a variety of friends over for a game night - but I fear that no one will come - or if they do, it might be horrible as maybe no one would have anything but me in common!

Maybe that's what I should look for a GAMER GROUP. They have them, right? My luck I would end up finding a group of "PLAYERS" not "GAMERS".


Anonymous said...

Have you heard of If not you might want to check it out and see if you find any groups you are interested in close to you.

This post hit home for me. I could have written a lot of it myself!

Ms. Independent said...

Thanks - just checked it out and there is actually a new gamer club here! There is an established one 25 miles away that would be on weekends I don't have my son. While not entirely eager for the drive, prefer to not include my son until I check it out! :)